Decisions, Decisions...

Decisions, Decisions...

Everyday our brain makes multiple decisions. These decisions compound to make us who we are, determining our fitness level, our health and our wealth.

We all know that one day of good decision-making in diet and fitness will not affect our overall health and well-being. It takes time, and commitment. The compound effect of good decisions made day after day is undeniable.

So it is with your financial decisions, which will determine your long term wealth.

Federal budget 2021-22: Increasing home ownership on the coalition’s terms

Federal budget 2021-22: Increasing home ownership on the coalition’s terms

Housing affordability is becoming an increasing concern for first home buyers and policy makers amid recent, rapid price increases in housing values. But the double-edged sword of reducing housing values to make them more affordable, is that housing also makes up the majority of Australian household wealth; make housing more affordable for one Australian, and we risk reducing the wealth for another.

Housing Boom

Housing Boom

Continuing to be a major story - Property owners are happy! House prices are booming. So much for ‘expert’ predictions of a 40% collapse!

Interest rates at 2% are a major driver. Despite low wages growth, housing interest payments have dropped from over 10% of income, to now only being 5% of income, the lowest since 2002. Affordability of repayments is no longer such a problem.

Keep Your Eyes On The Road!

Keep Your Eyes On The Road!

Some media outlets screamed ‘it will cause another financial meltdown akin to the GFC’ following recent Federal Government announcements to curb responsible lending laws.

I have been asked by many clients for my thoughts on this, from my position as a professional accredited credit advisor acting in-between the bank and customer in support of the customer.

The truth is we need responsible lending rules and legislation. There are many vulnerable members of society who will take credit offered to them with insufficient consideration of the consequences, or of their ability to repay the debt.

But is the existing legislation pushing too far?

Never Let A Good Crisis Go To Waste

Never Let A Good Crisis Go To Waste

As the Victorian economy struggles through the Coronavirus shutdown, one question keeps coming up: Are property prices about to crash?

Of course there are always the doomsday headline seekers. Professor Steve Keen has been predicting a 40% fall in Australian house prices “within 5 years” since the GFC in 2008. He is infamous for having bet on it happening. Which he lost, subsequently walking from Canberra to the top of Mt Kosciuszko as his ‘punishment’.