Everyday our brain makes multiple decisions. These decisions compound to make us who we are, determining our fitness level, our health and our wealth.
We all know that one day of good decision-making in diet and fitness will not affect our overall health and well-being. It takes time, and commitment. The compound effect of good decisions made day after day is undeniable.
So it is with your financial decisions, which will determine your long term wealth.
To amass a large saving, for any purpose, takes time, and the accumulation of many smaller sums. If you think it impossible, then you are right.
If you think it possible, then you are right.
Decisions count.
Every day.
If you do not take small steps every day towards your goal you will never succeed.
Stop wasting your money.
Everyday you make decisions which affect your finances. Take those decisions seriously! Consider two extremes:
The big things count. Cars and holidays are important and consequential and memorable but can still be subject to a sensible budget.
Weekly overspend on Uber Eats and alcohol can become an unconscious action, unnecessary and wasteful. Such wastage could also be on clothes, or that subscription you still pay for but never use.
Learn delayed gratification.
Life is a balance. If you spend it today, you lose the compounding for tomorrow.
When it comes to owning property, it is often the seemingly inconsequential financial decisions which have the most impact.
A deposit will only be saved over time.
Once you do have a home and mortgage, a standard home loan is a 30-year commitment.
If you can add $100 / week to your mortgage repayment, you could save more than $50,000 in interest and take 8 years off that payout date.*
That $100 / week for many is not hard to find.
*Based on $400,000 30-year loan at 2.5%